Inspire, entertain and lead.

My mission is to inspire, motivate, and lead people to realize their full potential through the power of storytelling and entertainment; honing in on skills of leadership, education, communication and handling adversity- helping people around the world turn their impossibilities into reality!

I am the first black American analyst in Military Space, Missile Defense and Defense Innovation Foreign Affairs; Defense and Trade Division. the only non-partisan space expert in the nation for congress, author, playwright, single father by choice, and keynote speaker featured in the NY Times, CNN and various magazines. I will take my audience on a journey to motivate, inspire and entertain as I share my life story. My vast experiences and challenges have allowed me to hone my skills of leadership, education, communication and handling adversity.

My testimony will resonate strongly with today’s youth. I will share how the decisions I made as a youth were the foundation for my success. I will provide realistic ways to supercharge your pursuit in life regardless of any adversities you are currently experiencing, or have faced in life. I will amplify your life, shift your thoughts and help you move towards the ideas that you have been stalling on. I promise to leave you feeling that there is nothing in life that can stop you from reaching any goals that you thought are impossible. You have the ability to turn all your beliefs into gold, just as I did with my life. I will inspire, educate, and motivate you on how to find the pursuit of overcoming using my life’s journey, as an insight to yours.

Stephen McCall
Mentor and Speaker
